Heckler joins forces with Chris Yee and SAARA138 on projected art installation.
Transport NSW’s Parramatta River project has reimagined Lennox Bridge after dark. The landmarks east facing wall and arches have been illuminated with a digital art projection created by Powerhouse museums Chris Yee and illustrator SAARA138. It has been displayed throughout Sydney World Pride celebrations and continues until the end of March.
What about the brief sparked your vision for the illustration?
With the creation of the artwork I was inspired by the colour and personality of the West and the people of Parramatta. There is so much cultural diversity, history and stories over the years, I wanted to create an artwork that symbolises the optimistic spirit and evolution of the area. Parramatta represents a uniques voice from what is usually seen in the creative community. With this artwork I wanted to bring a modern, graffiti style edge in animation to represent the distinct colours of the area.
How did you curate and develop the animation transitions?
As the artwork depicts the history and culture of the area over time, we used animation to infer different art styles in order to symbolise different stages in Parramatta’s development over time. We digitally created wheat paste, spray Paint, ink drips and bold linework.
Was there a particular theme or concept you connected with?
Thematically we tried to champion the natural environment to represent personalities and changes of the area over time. Parramatta river has always been home to a wide range of organisms sustaining natural life, to industry to transportation. I view Parramatta river as being not only a geographical gateway, but in modern day, a channel for sharing cultures and voices of the West.
Being from the West, how did you find inspiration for Inclusion/representation?
I’ve always viewed Parramatta as a hub for cultural Inclusivity and generosity in connecting communities of the West to the City and the greater outer suburbs in Sydney. It’s been a central hub for voices of the West be heard, so with artwork I was inspired by interpreting these personalities through visual metaphor, modern attitude and colour though the graffiti like visuals.
The Parramatta area has been central to my upbringing and formative years. As time passes I watch its skyline transform from my grandmother’s kitchen window. But one thing always stays the same- the ability to bring together elements of arts, culture, food, and most importantly, people from all over. Through my drawings, I hope to represent some of the features that make Parramatta so vibrant and unique.
Commissioned by Pricewaterhouse Coopers Australia
Client: Parramatta Council & Transport NSW
Projection Partner: TDC, Technical Direction Company
Technical Project and Studio Manager, TDC: Chris Fitzgerald
Post Production: Heckler
EP: Carlos Zalapa
Post Producer: Coralie Tapper
Creative Director, Illustrator & Animator: Chris Yee
Guest Artist/Illustrator: SAARA138
Animators: Craig Stubbs-Race & Timothy Lee